The Present and The Future of Fetal Surgery
“The Present and The Future of Fetal Surgery”
6 -7th November 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania
LANGUAGE: English (Session 1 - Lithuanian)
DURATION: 11 hours (accreditation - Vilnius University Medical Faculty)
VENUE: Vilnius University Hospital Santariškių Klinikos.
ADDRESS: Santariškių str. 2, Vilnius, Lithuania (
Block of auditoriums. Auditorium No. 1
Please download Event brochure for all details and register on-line in this page.
This Conference will be a joint effort of Vilnius University Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Prof. G. Drasutiene) and the University Hospitals Leuven, Faculty of Medicine, Centre for Surgical Technologies (Prof. Dr. J. Deprest). The event is a great opportunity to explore key issues in prenatal diagnostics and treatment of fetal anomalies: Spina bifida, Lung lesions, Urinary defects, Brain abnormalities, Heart defects, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Fetal imaging, use of laser for TTS, Special Considerations in Maternal-Fetal Anesthesia, Organization of fetal therapy. This comprehensive conference brings together a diverse audience of leading international and Lithuanian experts in prenatal diagnostics and treatment of fetal anomalies, such as gynecologists, obstetricians, neonatologists, pediatricians, surgeons, radiologists, cardiologists, urologists, children surgeons, intensive care and anesthesiology specialists, geneticists, and others to the network and share best-practices everyone can take back to their workplaces.

University Hospitals Leuven Faculty of Medicine